The review you’ve been waiting for! DOD-Tech’s LS300 & LS330W. We look at every aspect of this camera including reliability, build quality, user friendliness and more. New for this review are the results from our thermal oven and resolution charts.
Date: Feb 22, 2015
Both cameras have preformed exceptionally well in our tests. The LS300W is for those looking to have the best quality video and reduce costs by excluding the GPS. The LS330W incorporates an optional GPS antenna and is a great choice for users looking to have the best reception possible. The cameras booted up quickly and were a breeze to use.
My main concern are users in extremely hot countries due to the internal lithium battery. In sustained temperatures over 70C (158F) these have been know to swell and cause problems. We tested the cameras at 70C for more than 30 hours with no detected problems. Not a long term test but gives a bit of confidence the camera meets specifications.
The price is near the top end of the market, luckily not exceeding the $300USD range where some Korean cameras can be found but pricey nevertheless.
This camera will receive a 9.3/10. I took off some points as it lacks some interesting tech found in upcoming cameras but is otherwise a solid choice for many users.
Where to Purchase
We recommend purchasing directly from the official sources due to the counterfeiting on the current market.
DOD-Tech Canada, DOD-Tech USA and DOD-Tech UK.
By buying through our links you give a small portion to our website and help keep the lights on and the reviews flowing. Free to you and helps us immensely.
The written review and photos will come out in the future – stay tuned if you need more information. We’ll also be looking at the widely purchased counterfeit models in the near future.
The DOD-Tech LS430W has recently been released and combines the GPS and dash camera in one unit. Slightly pricier it removes the external GPS dongle at the cost of reduced reception and there is a slight improvement in quality. We’ll look at this camera in the future.
On the looping, mine records for 10-12 seconds and stops. I have it set for 2 minutes. Am I doing something wrong? I did buy my unit used. It came with GPS all for $80 US dollars.
I’m using a 16G 10 class micro sd card.