Taken from Dallas News is a report describing the battle between truck drivers and other careless motorists. Motorists who have an accident with a semi-trailer even if they were at fault are often the winners of insurance settlements and personal-injury lawsuits.
Arthur Ford is one driver who is frustrated by their actions and he states that some of these drivers may even stage accidents hoping for a big payout as these trucks are insured for large sums of money. Frank Scafidi, a former driver and currently a spokesman for the National Insurance Crime Bureau said it would be extremely easy to stage an accident as it requires a long distance in the order of hundreds of feet to stop a semitrailer and simply slamming the brakes in a smaller vehicle would cause an accident.
Scafidi like many other drivers after hearing enough of those stories have now turned to a cab mounted camera which will hopefully supply the evidence they need to protect their livelihoods.
“Anything that a driver of any vehicle can do to establish the truth behind an accident is probably a smart thing to do these days,” he said. “When you can actually see and hear for yourself — that’s pretty powerful.”[quote style=”boxed”]“Anything that a driver of any vehicle can do to establish the truth behind an accident is probably a smart thing to do these days,” Scafidi said. “When you can actually see and hear for yourself — that’s pretty powerful.”[/quote]
Joe DeVenero owner of VideoDashCam.com is one business owner on a mission to provide these dash cameras. He says sales have soared to 1000 cameras a month tripping in the last year and a half. Joe described on his podcast “Center Lane Show” which focuses on the trucking industry notes the success his clients have had in avoiding unnecessary tickets and at fault accidents. Bring in Debra Miller, she has avoided both a ticket after being accused of driving past a school bus with flashing lights as well as an at-fault accident in which she was turning left and a driver hit her from behind on a small two lane road (video below).